What makes western democracy great.

  • #410142
    Voltaire 76.***.100.38 4204

    This is my favore quote:

    ” I may not agree with what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it”, Voltaire.

    The public education is essential to grow democracy. Without the proper(!) education, the society corrupts as a whole.

    Especially, the importance of the media can’t be overemphasized along with the proper educatoin.

    • who 76.***.37.128

      not all the people agree on the western democracy is great

    • michgander 198.***.251.23

      “서양 민주주의, 나쁘진 않다” 정도면 공정한 평가라 하겠다.
      볼테르가 여자/흑인노예에게도 동일한 권리를 인정했었는지 들은 바 없다.

    • bk 151.***.224.45

      damn republicans,,,,,

    • . 76.***.222.1

      변소간 알바생들 국적도 다양.

      욕쟁이 알바들. 영어욕도 받음.