
  • #149922
    조철현 125.***.13.153 7897

    ▣ Company : Global Reinsurance Company

    ▣ Position(Korean Title) : Underwriter

    ▣ Responsibility
    •국내 메이저 보험사 대상의 Underwriting

    ▣ Requirements
    •Underwirting 실무경력 5년 이상
    •Fluent in English

    ▣ Location : Seoul

    ▣ Please submit English Resume(enclosed detail career)or CV used MS_word via Email

    ▣ Contact Point : 조철현 이사
    If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    Office > 02.508.7403
    Mobile > 011.729.8211
    Email > chjo@hennymccoy.com