ufo update

  • #3796180
    sd 76.***.204.204 633

    A witness, who was seen in the responding officer’s bodycam, told his story in a YouTube video under the username Alien Society51 and shared pieces of the bodycam footage, a neighbor’s doorbell camera that captured the loud bang and aftershock and a picture of a “perfect” circle in his backyard purportedly left behind the aircraft.

    The witness said he and his brother were working on his car in their backyard around midnight on May 1 when he heard something fall from the sky.

    “I turned around and saw a big light falling from the sky and moments after, I felt a big impact and a bang … when the impact happened, it was like a shockwave,” he said.

    “It was all blurry. Not my vision, only the backyard, and I heard thousands of footsteps around me. A couple seconds later, the footsteps were gone.”

    • Takina 184.***.15.5

      Most likely a military experiment gone wrong.

      • sd 76.***.204.204

        아이언맨 로봇옷 실험? 근데 어떻게 다 금방 사라진거야?

    • AAA 68.***.29.226

      사실인것 같은데….근데 왜 폰으로 쉽게 찍을수 있었을텐데, ufo나 에일리언 footage는 없는건지….

      • sd 76.***.204.204

        그러게. 해를 입힐까봐 못찍었을까? 이해 안가네. 근데 나도 그 생각 못했을수도 …

      • sd 76.***.204.204

        근데 다시 생각해보니 911 전화걸 생각이 들었다면 911 전화 끊을때쯤은 사진 찍을 생각이 100프로 들어야 맞는데.
        그때 이미 다 상황종료된게 아니라면.

    • 별에서온그대 45.***.223.248

      나사에서 외계인고문해서 채신형 전투기 기술 불게한다던데 너무무섭네여;;

      • ㅇㅇ 140.***.198.159

        완전 허위 정보임. 고문은 나사가 안함. 고문 안해도 순순히 기술을 넘겨주는 경우가 대부분이라서 외계인 대우는 매우 좋은편. 그리고 체신형 비행기는 우편 배달에 주로 사용하는데, 외계인 기술이 들어가지 않음.