there H mart of downtown near from Public Market Place of travelers.

  • #3807562
    DefaultNice 66.***.181.181 387

    1601 2nd Ave, Seattle, WA 98101

    there H mart of downtown near from Public Market Place of travelers.

    There are a lot of homelesses as like gangsters.

    I know your H mart there store involved with them.

    And I know your staffs are making serious violence making there streets.

    And when I visited there public free toilet of Public Market Place,

    There was looking like the mummy (dead body) in there free toilet the right toilet for shitting.

    I waited he can come out from there more than 30 minutes for using there

    because other toilets were so infected and so dirty by shits.

    I can guess your H mart was involved with there.

    I am a Real Korean and also American Citizen.

    Fucking Downtown seattle H Mart are dirty and

    expired Salmon selling now.

    • 정보 73.***.90.165

      181.181 조현병 왔노

      이놈 이력
      – 페북에 뭔 사람들을 처형해야한다니 죽이는글쓰고
      – 워킹유에스에서 동양인이란 이유로 몇십억짜리 은행계좌가 동결됬다, 워렌버핏을 죽여주세요 라는 글 작성

      글 특징
      – 죽이는거좋아함
      – 돈많은척함
      – 시민권자임을 강조함 “I am a Real Korean and also American Citizen.”

    • xXx 140.***.198.159
