The purpose of life

  • #3792331
    goodboy 207.***.246.50 257

    I recently have pondered the purpose of life.

    My conclusion is that “Live in abundance”. It doesn’t mean the abundance of material goods, though it is one of the crucial features, but rather the abundance of anything you consider important. They can be, for instance, knowledge, helping others, good relationship, and travelling. One of my observations is that many people think only material abundance is essential, so they sacrifice the rest. Only at the late stage of their lives they regret their life decisions.


    • 47.***.234.227

      만약 누군가 당신을 창조했다면 그걸 확인하는 게 삶의 목적이 될 것이고, 그런 일이 없고 그냥 생긴 것이고 그냥 세상에 존재하게 된 것이면 미안하지만 삶의 목적은 없습니다. 괜히 없는 목적을 만들어서 심취하지 마세요. 님은 아무런 가치가 없어요 우연히 생겨났는데 대충 맘대로 살면 됩니다.

      • goodboy 207.***.246.50

        1. Here, let us define God as someone who is omnipotent.
        2. But you are essentially saying he can or doesn’t exist, depending on your belief.
        3. This conclusion contracts the 1st assumption.

    • B 76.***.204.204

      남들 상관말고
      니가 물질에 상관없이 어번던트하게 살면 돼.
      보통 사람들은 정말 행복하게 하는게 뭔지 모르니까 막연히 돈있으면 행복해 질거고 돈있으면 모든 불행을 막을수 있으일거라고 생각하기 쉬운거야.