That map of world 97% ……

  • #98157
    Korean 222.***.221.119 3637

    That map of world 97% writes Tokto Island that is ‘Sea of Japan’ so that give up now but South Korea speaks so that write that map of world 3% is ‘Sea of Korea’ so begin If love Republic of Korea really, return elaborately Tokto Island is dignified our country Republic of Korea’s land. Flare fiercely two eyes more and there does not exist our land is robbed of foolishly. Turn Ireongeo and do not take 10 first times. Let’s show South Korea netizen’s force to Japan

    이글을 복사하셔서 다른곳에돌려주세요
    일본에게 한국 네티즌의 힘을 보여줍시다
    진정한 한국 국민이라면 1분정도는 투자하실수 잇겠쬬???

    • tt 64.***.97.211

      What’s this mean?

      Turn Ireongeo and do not take 10 first times.

    • 1234 69.***.195.226

      돌리긴 뭘돌려?!!! 뭔 말이야?? 이런거 올려서 한국인 더 쪽팔리겠다! 이거 쪽발리가 쓴거 아니야?

    • sunnyvale 64.***.6.82

      뭘 원하는지는 알겠으나 여러군데 돌리려면 먼저 영작이나 제대로 해야 할 듯…… 누군가가 어설픈 인터넷 자동 번역기 돌린거 같은데 괜히 역효과 나는거 아닌지…

    • tt 67.***.209.73

      from gibberish to Konglish…..with some mind-reading :)

      97% of the maps in the world describes Dokto as an island in the Sea of Japan, suggesting that we give up this island that has been historically our territory to Japan. But South Korea has persevered in speaking up and now 3% of the maps in the world writes its location as Sea of Korea. If you truly love Korea, go tell them Dokto belongs to our glorius country South Korea. Watch this with your eyes wide open so that our country will never be foolishly robbed again. Forward this to people around you and don’t even count the first 10 people. Let’s show the power of South Korean netizens to Japan.

    • j 69.***.219.42

      Let’s show the pathetic performance of Korean-English translator software to the world… -_-;

    • orz 202.***.83.6

      tt//man…how could you understand that?

    • tt 67.***.209.73

      Because…… I am a female psychic? :) :)