Home Forums Investment Tax loss file을 위한 마지막 날? This topic has [2] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 4 days ago by barren wuffet. Now Editing “Tax loss file을 위한 마지막 날?” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) <a href="https://imgbb.com/"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/30LZS2M/SHORTTERM.png" alt="SHORTTERM" border="0" /></a> 저 $21,000불을 $0로 만든 다음 세금 감면 받을지 모르는데.... Tax loss file 마지막 날이 12월 31일 맞냐? 손절 안할지도 모름. I agree to the terms of service Update List