‘SC Joke for rivalry week

  • #98034
    Joe Bruin 63.***.183.170 3219

    Hey Bruin fans,
    It’s the time of the year, and I would like to introduce a ‘SC joke.
    Go Bruins, Beat ‘$C!!!!

    BTW, I got it from the following link.

    The ‘SC Fan

    A first grade teacher tells her class that she is an ‘SC fan. She asks her students to raise their hands if they, too, are ‘SC fans. Everyone in the class raises their hand except one little girl.

    The teacher looks at the girl with surprise and says, “Janie, why didn’t you raise your hand?”

    “Because I’m not an ‘SC fan,” she replied.

    The teacher, still shocked, asked, “Then who are you a fan of?”

    “I am a UCLA fan, and proud of it,” Janie replied.

    The teacher could not believe her ears. “Janie, why pray tell are you a UCLA fan?”

    “Because my mom is a UCLA fan, and my dad is a UCLA fan, so I’m a UCLA fan too!”

    “Well,” said the teacher in an obviously annoyed tone, “that is no reason for you to be a UCLA fan. You don’t have to be just like your parents all of the time. What if your mom was a moron and your dad was a moron, what would you be then?”

    “Then,” Janie smiled, “I’d be an ‘SC fan.”

    • Joe Trojan 134.***.136.4

      Yeah, just enjoy those jokes until Trojans beat up poor Bruins coming Saturday.
      Expect 42 – 0.
      Go Traojans!

    • Joe Bruin 63.***.183.170

      Hey Joe Trojan,
      Now you don’t even remember your name.
      Your name is Tommy Trojan OK!
      Oh well, at least you didn’t forget your last name =)

    • Joe Trojan 134.***.136.4

      Hey Joe (Bruin), do you know Tommy?
      He is my cousin :-)
      I know what you’re saying but keep in mind all Trojans doesn’t have their name “Tommy”.
      Fight On!

    • Joe Bruin 63.***.183.170

      In my English 101 class, I couldn’t understand what “oxymoron” really meant.
      Then, the professor gave me some examples for better understanding.

      oxymoron is a phrase like
      Jumbo shrimp,
      USC and academic.

    • Trojan2 67.***.156.210

      Hey Bruin, How was last night? Did you enjoy the game? Poor Joe….
      Think who’s real a moron. Ha Ha Ha…

    • Joe Bruin 128.***.140.89

      OK, A win is a win.
      But you should thank to the line judge though.
      It was good game and I am looking forward to next year.
      Go Bruins!

      PS: Is that true ‘SC library has only two books?
      Just wondering.

    • Trojan3 131.***.70.246

      Joe Bruin 안됐지만 Bush는 이제 2학년이라 내년에도 UCLA 경기에 나온다네.
      더군다나 내년엔 USC 홈경기에다가… 난 USC가 UCLA한테 언제 졌는지 기억조차 안나네.
      그건그렇고 Joe군 어디서 맨날 그런 황당한 Bullshit을 듣고 여기 게시판에서 질문을 하나? USc에 직접가서 확인 하던지… 엤날 (내가 대학원 졸업한지도 13년 전이니까) UCLA다니던 내 친구는 USC도서관에서 공부하던데….UCLA는 도서관 분위기가 안좋아서 그런지.. ㅎㅎㅎ
      그건 그렇고 아직 학생이면 어느학교를 다니던지 열심히 공부해서 취직이나 잘 해서 부모님 기쁘게 해드리게… 쓸데없이 남의 학교 딴지나 걸지 말고.

    • Joe Bruin 128.***.5.199

      You can say UCLA sucks, but let’s not bring family member here.
      I can call name of your family memeber too, but for the sake of God, I am holding it OK!!!!
      You know what these numbers are?
      91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98

    • t 4.***.42.67

      trojan sucks so is ucla both prepeeeeesssssssss