Dongwon Autopart Technology, Georgia LLC is recruiting for a full-time Sales Representative professional.
Position: Sales Representative (Shipping & Receiving)
Essential Functions:
- Departmental staff development, training and management
- Managing sales information, staff, suppliers, relationships, SLAs (Service Level Agreements)
- Setting, monitoring, and managing quality and QA systems
- Effective proactive liaison with other departments as necessary to forecast, plan to meet, and to supply demand to relevant quality
- Policy evaluations, analysis, decision, and recommendation
Position Requirements:Education and Experience:
- Four year college degree
- Job related experience preferred
Skills and Knowledge:
- Computer: Word, Excel, PowerPoint
- Bilingual (Korean and English)
Please send your CV/Resume to ekang@dwmic.com.
Dongwon Autopart Technology Georgia, LLC 에서
아래와 같이 신입 (경력) 직원을 채용하고자 하니 관심 있으신 분들의
많은 응모 바랍니다.1. 채용 분야 및 응시 자격
- 채용분야: 영업부서 (출하관리)
- 채용인원: 0명
- 응시자격:
1) 학력: 대졸이상
2) 경력: 관련분야 1~2년 이상자 우대
3) 제조업체 유경험자 우대
4) 기타: 한국어, 영어 (must be fluent)
2. 근무 환경
- 급여조건: 협의후 결정
- 복리후생: 의료보험 (dental, vision 포함), 401k
- 근무지역: 미국 > Georgia > Hogansville
3. 접수방법
- 접수기간: 채용시 까지
- 제출서류: 영문 CV/Resume 1부
- 전형방법: 서류접수 > 면접
- 지원방법: email 접수 ekang@dwmic.com