Richard Feynman quote (and science and religion)

  • #99156
    tracer 12.***.149.67 2873

    the following is a quote from tv interview with legendary physicist Richard Feynman:

    “you see, one thing is,
    I can live with doubt, uncertainty and not knowing.
    I think it’s much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong.

    I don’t have to know the answer, I don’t feel frightened by not knowing things.”

    i think this is such an insight that shows the principal difference between science and religion.
    scientists are comfortable with NOT KNOWING. not knowing about what happens after death, not knowing about the origin of the universe, not knowing about our purpose of life on earth, etc. because they’re having fun from finding the answer, not knowing actually give them jobs to be a scientist. not knowing excites them.

    religious people often attack scientists as “arrogant” and “full of pride” on their knowledge. but i think it’s total opposite.
    sectarian religious is hugely arrogant when they say they KNOW the truth. and moreover, THEIR truth is the only truth and other’s belief will be eternally damned.

    why do we freely laugh at people who believe fairies and ghost and think we must show extra respect towards organized religions. they both don’t have any evidence to be taken seriously.

    • sk 74.***.17.156

      Arrogant people could be in science and religion. A scientist say he KNOWS everything, but some scientists are humble like Feynman. Likewise, a religious person say he KNOWS everything, but true religious people are humble which is said by the real Bible.

      In addition, there are thousands of millions proof in Christianity. That is the difference from fairy tale.

      I really respect Feynman in the view of science, but I don’t in the view of religion. It is of course! He is scientist not believer. So, what shall we say? :)

    • tracer 12.***.149.67

      basic doctrine of christianity is that there is a heaven and hell after you die and you must confess belief in jesus christ to be saved and go to heaven. you cannot be saved by believing other religion(of course won’t be saved by not believing any god)

      in other words, religious people claims that they KNOW what happens when you die. in fact, they merely BELIEVE there must be afterlife and heaven and hell because the bible says so.

      of course there are many arrogant scientists. i was talking about the principal method of thinking in science.
      sorry for the confusion, i didn’t mean that every religious people are arrogant and every scientists are humble, i was meaning to show the principal difference between the thinking method of science and that of religion.

    • sk 74.***.17.156

      Basically, the basic doctrine of christianity is not saying about the heaven and hell. Instead, what the cristianity is saying that if you believe in Christ as Savior, you can be saved from sin. Not heaven or hell like saying in shamanism or other religion.

      In frankly speaking, the Bible does not describe after the death. Only thing the Bible is claiming is there is judgment day judged by God. That’s all. Of course, Christ Jesus says many times about heaven, but it is already known it is not a particular place like general people imagine.

    • NYC 66.***.232.49

      파인만씨 글은 정말 명언이네요. 근대 그담글와 연관이 별로 없는듯…
      참고로 비슷한 명언하나

      Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise – John W. Tukey, 1962

    • SD.Seoul 137.***.208.45

      sk님/ 님의 heaven 과 hell 에 대한 이야기는 참으로
      참신하다는 생각입니다.
      다만, 님의 의견이 여기 저기의 댓글로 흩어져 있어서
      한 곳에서 설명을 해 주시면, 더 낳을 텐데 라는
      아쉬움이 있습니다.
      새로운 글타래로 님의 Bible에 관해 평소 다른 이들이
      잘못 알고 있다고 느끼셨던 점을 정리해 주시면 좋겠다는 생각입니다.
      그리고 다음은 님의 글을 읽으면서 가지게 된 저의,
      (1) 님이 읽으시는 성경에는 heaven 과 hell 에 관해서 나옵니까?
      (2) 님이 생각하시는 heaven 과 hell 의 정의는, saved 된 영혼과 관련해서,각각 무엇인가요? (관련이 있다, 없다, 그 이유로는 ….)

      위의 두 질문에 관해 구약과 신약으로, 만일 두군데의 의견이 다르다면,
      따로 정리해 주시면 더욱 고맙겠습니다.

    • sk 74.***.17.156

      (1)제가 읽는 성경은 개신교에서 쓰이는 66권이며, 이 성경에 heaven은 수차례 많이 나옵니다. 예수님의 비유가 대다수입니다. hell은 거의 찾아보지 못했습니다.
      (2) 제가 생각하는 천국과 지옥의 정의는 그리 중요하지 않을 것 같습니다. 다만 성경에서 말하고 있는 천국과 지옥의 정의 (지옥은 정의되지 않습니다만..)가 중요하고 그것을 내가 믿느냐가 맞는 표현일 듯 싶습니다. 이것에 대해서는 님께서 조언하신 데로, 따로 한개의 글로 정리해서 올리겠습니다.