Really Sad…

  • #99277
    PEs 66.***.11.253 2720

    It’s unbelievable…unbelievable…

    How can this horrible massacre happen in a school?

    It shows how difficult the immigrant’s life at the US is. The guy’s parent must have worked hard everyday and every weekend to adapt to the life at the US and survive as one of the immigrants. But they have missed the most important thing in their lives, e.g. “Family”

    If they had built up a NORMAL family (They would look OK but there should be no true family thing in their lives.), it would have never triggered this type of horrible massacre.

    There should be some clear – problematic symptoms before the crimes but the family didn’t clarify it as a Problem but ignorance between family members.

    Their lives pursued the dream life in the US has ended up with “Horrible and Tragic Results” to all other people who are living in this country because he just triggered the upcoming tragic in the future. (Now, everybody can buy similar or more Arms in the local shops for the worse problems in the future.)

    I would like to express my deepest sorrow and condolence for such a lost for families, friends….

    Rather than criticizing somebody or gun-control systems in the US, it’s time to think of what our immigrants’ lives and our children’s TRUE identity and education in the country are.

    Deepest condolence to the victims’ families…
    I can’t even imagine how horrible the situation of the families are….

    • tracer 12.***.149.67

      it is truly sad incident indeed.

      i think it’s a little bit too early to assume the crime is heavily related to immigrated life. we know nothing about the family and the killer’s background. we wouldn’t know if his family was normal or disfunctional until the information is out. let’s not assume anything yet.

    • UZ 71.***.235.180

      원글이 너무 나간 느낌이군요. 이민 가정의 삶이 힘들꺼라는데는 동의하지만, 그것과 이번일을 연관 시키는 것은 지나친 비약일 것 같군요. 미국이란 데가 늘 상 총기 사고가 빈번한 곳인데, 한국 사람 이름이 처음으로 올라 갔다고 대뜸 이민 가정의 문제를 들먹일 필요가 있을까요.
      윗 분 말씀 처럼 어떠한 성급한 가정도 적절치 않은 시점입니다.

      이민 가정의 삶에 대해서는 나중에 따로 시간 내어서 찬찬히 조곤조고 토론할 사안이라고 보여집니다.

    • PEs 66.***.11.253

      I might go too far before any clear & official announcements on the horrible rampage. However, whatever results are, the immigrants’ lives are supposed to be a big issue on this rampage because it made a record on fatal rampage in school history in the world (it’s not a local issue anymore).

      Please take a look some major US media and what they are looking for. They already started focusing on the immigrants. It would be unfair and stupid but a lot of Americans think that there are big relations with immigrants’ lives.

      We would get a hint how badly the situations turn out from the comments of South Korea’s Foreign Ministry…”…racial prejudice and confrontation…”

      Unfortunately, it is the situation going on now.

    • bless 74.***.5.216

      No matter what motifs are there, US media seems trying to make a big issue of this tragedy, starting to say like ” ~ is a student who immigrated at the age of 8 and …”
      I feel so sorry for not only victims and their families but ourselves who have nothing but to look at what happened.
      God bless all.

    • Anti-gun 12.***.148.19

      You have made conclusion in your original article, said “They would look OK but there should be no true family thing in their lives.”
      Then, in reply you said “It would be unfair and stupid..”

      If you think media is unfair, then you should not say what you say in original article.

      I know what major media saying and what they are looking for.
      We all know this is not a immigrants’ issue.

      Then, we have to watch our words first.

    • PEs 66.***.11.253

      Dear Anti-gun,

      Thanks for your opinion. Even though it’s not fair the things going on, I also think there are some relations in this fatal rampage with the immigrants’ lives. He was not born in the US it means that he had enough time to be an American but their parents had not.

      I have been seeing so many PROBLEMS in communications between generations in Korean Community. Drug, Sex, Crime (Big or Minor), Identity Problems, Cultural Gap, etc. Most of these problems are different ones happening in the typical Korean Family in Korea.

      Because parents (Korean Immigrants) don’t even have a chance to have open-mind conversation with their kids (especially teenagers). Failure in Basic Communication has created different types of the problems in Immigrants.

      I am not talking about “Just Agree or Support Media’s Approach & Prejudice” but the situation above in Immigrants has affected the most fatal rampage in school HISTORY.

      We can’t say it is not related with Immigrants’ lives any more.

      This is not simple fatal rampage anymore because it is a massacre in school (not on streets by gangs.)

      There was a similar trial (mascara in school) in my neighbor several years ago. The immigrant’s son (Very Similar Visa Status but he was Vietnam-American I remember) plotted mascara in school – he actually prepared MORE arms and explosions to use in school and did MOCK-PRACTICE.) however, his trial was blocked by FBI that got a report from a smart worker in a shop (right before the fatal rampage).

      What had caused the problems? Mis-communication, cultural gaps, immigrant’s lives and identities, etc..

      This is very similar to the old one above. Only differences between two is “Happened!” & “Arrested right before massacre!”.

      Nobody can tell there are no relations with immigrants any more because this is not the first case and they know why this similar & unbelievable plots and rampages happened in small immigrants communities (much higher possibilities considering populations).

      Again, thanks for your good opinions.

    • UZ 71.***.235.180

      PEs/ 미국 언론은 원래 그런 애들이지요. 많이 상업화 되어서 진실 보다는 즉각적인 감각적인 기사를 쓰기를 더 좋아하지요. 이들에게 있어서 ‘이민 가정’이라면 아주 좋은 먹이감이지요. 모르는 사람이 보면 연관성도 있어 보일 수도 있고…. 하지만 우린 알잖아요. 한국에서 온 이민 가정의 문제가 이 사건과 연관이 적다는거(없거나)… 이걸 모르는 백인들이 그렇게 떠든다고 우리까지 여기서 그 얘기를 할 필요가 있을까요?

      얘네들한테서도 차분한 목소리가 나오기는 하지요. 하지만 그때는 시간이 좀 지난 다음이지요. 지금 얘기는 신빙성이 별로인 얘기라는 생각입니다.

      얘네들 뭐 이런 얘기도 하지 않나요? 성격이 내성적이고 사람들과 사귀지 못하고, 주변에 불평 불만이 많고, 가정에도 문제가 있고…. 물론 진실일 수 있지만 너무 상투적이고 기자들이 일정부분 즉흥적인 기사쓰기에서 나왔을 확률이 높아요.
      차분히 조사 결과를 기다릴때입니다.

    • PEs 66.***.11.253

      Dear UZ,

      차분히 조사 결과를 기다릴때입니다. I agree with your opinion.

      I think I took action too early due to the similar case happend in MY NEIGHBOR which was related with Immigration Family.

      I really hope that similar & fatal rampages never happen again.

    • anti-gun 12.***.148.19

      Dear UZ

      Media does always same things.
      얘네들한테서도 차분한 목소리가 나오기는 하지요. 하지만 그때는 시간이 좀 지난 다음이지요.
      100% true.

      Dear PEs,
      Thanks for ur opinion. I understand your point of view and agree.
      We are in same boat. We will get through this.

      This will be severe strom and cause damage, but it will end.
      By that time, be safe yourself and your famaily.

      My watch said almost time to go home.
      I am thinking about 30 min more time with my kids, less with TV tonight.

      Good evening to All

    • …. 72.***.7.68

      PEs님의 지적에도 일리는 있다고 봅니다.
      loner로 묘사되는 이번 사건의 범인의 모습이 낯설게 느껴지지 않습니다.
      학교에 있다보면, 많은 한국학생들은 남들이 보기에 충분히 loner로 비춰지고, 또 한국학생들 특유의 조용함이 남들에게는 부정적으로 비춰지는 것도 사실입니다.
      그리고 많은 이민가정의 한국학생들이 실제로 미국사회에(미국내 한인사회가 아니라) 적응하는데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있는 것 역시 사실입니다. 많은 이민가정의 부모들이 생업에 종사하느라, 또 부족한 영어실력때문에, 제대로 가정을 추스리지 못하고, 그저 아이들에게만 많은 것을 기대하는 것도 사실입니다.
      Media의 잔혹함, 사회의 폭력화, 총기문제도 문제이지만, 과연 우리가 우리 아이들을 제대로 키우고 있는지에 대해서도 다시 한 번 생각해 볼 필요는 있다고 생각됩니다.