[re]ajPP님께(evidences of evolution)

  • #100608
    sk 131.***.0.106 2493

    창조론은 evolution처럼 diversity/adaptation에 대한 답을 줄 수가 없습니다.

    진화론은 creation쪽으로는 답을 줄 수가 없습니다. (creation science 및 외계에서 DNA가 날라왔다는 건 잠시 제외하죠)

    진화론의 맹점들은 broken evolution chain인데, 화석과 퇴화된 흔적만 가지고 보기엔 증거가 모자라는 부분들이 있습니다.

    화석의 맹점은 삼엽충이나 공룡같은건 많이 있는데, 중간을 잇는 것들에 대한 화석이 없습니다. 기린이 목을 길게 뻗어서 커진 모델의 경우나 목 짧은 기린이 멸종했다거나 둘 다 화석을 볼 때 population이 맞아야 하는데, 그런 게 없습니다. 그래서 진화론자들은 아마도 진화는 갑자기 일어났다 (5000~10000년 사이) 라고 하는데, 어떤 이벤트가 이 샘명이 진화하는 현상을 trigger했는지는 추측만 있습니다 (운석충돌 등).

    진화론은 멋진 모델입니다. 하지만 정황을 봤을땐 진화라는 것은 종의 나뉨(branching) 과 적응(adaptation) 두 스텝으로 나누는게 날 것 같습니다.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      fossil records are very hard to find, let alone that it’s very rare for animals to be fossilized in the first place, however, as time passed, more and more transitional fossils are being found and it always fits into the tree of life which evolution model predicts.
      you can find very good set of transitional fossils about whale evolution, fish to amphibian evolution, etc.

      and of course, fossil evidence is only a part of evidences that supports the theory of evolution, dna sequencing evidence and comparative anatomy are also very strong evidence for evolution.

      as you know, punctuated equillibrium(아마도 진화는 갑자기 일어났다) is one of different opinions about HOW the evolution happened, which is not accepted as consensus yet. it’s still in debate.

    • sk 131.***.0.106

      Evolution cannot be an answer without a proper explanation of its ancestor’s extinction.
      Otherwise we should be living with the variety of the pre-evolution animals.
      Other than the global climate change, such thing is hard to happen, and we only have a few recorded global catastrophes.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      competition is the base of the theory of evolution.
      living beings are struggling to survive with “limited” resource all the time. it is simply that extincted animals were not as good as survived ones.
      and remember, we are living with shark right now, which was not much evolved for millions of years.

    • sk 131.***.0.103

      that’s what I call ‘simple-minded’ point-of-view.

      natural selection does not scale. competition and survival is happens locally, not globally. should extinction to occur, it requires a global catastrophe to initiate natural selection process.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      “mass” extinction requires drastic change in environment(such as meteor shower, ice age, etc) but why regular gradual extinction needs such catastrophe?

      the fact that evolution happens locally means that it works in the environment of limited resource, that is, more competetion among individuals and competition drives extinction, what’s wrong with it? maybe i don’t understand fully what you’re claiming. could you explain a little further? (by the way, i can read korean, just can’t type here at work)

    • sk 131.***.0.103

      I don’t think there such thing as ‘regular gradual extinction’. It may happen in a confined area, but on the Earth, they can always ‘migrate’ and ‘re-populate’. Four seasons is a kind of recurring global catastrphe in a sence that plants die during the cold period. Birds migrate. Animals find shelter. It should’ve been the same when dinosaur extincted since earth should have been tilted from the beginning.

      Those fossilized species were once so abundant and lasted hundreds of thousands of years. they had reached their equilibrium. they had the population balance. it was perfect for them to be so florish like human do today. They only thing that could change and extinct them is by something global and massive change in its environment.

      So, most of the fossilized species that failed should be linked with some catastrophe, and there is lack of evidance that links them.
      Natural selection shows a snapshot of what happens in terms of population change, but I think it is insufficient to explain along with the history of the Earth.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      yes, some do migrate and re-populate but some species can’t and go extinct.
      isn’t it also possible that stabilized species go extinct because of newly emerged species by losing out the competetion? just like humans make many species go extinct nowadays. and even without human influence, there are many species going extinct everyday.

      i think you’re the one with narrow sighted view on evolutionary history.
      population balance of human(and all the other animals today) flourishing earth is just a blink in evolutionary time.