[re] To done that

  • #101032
    eroica 147.***.40.44 2531

    //done that,

    It doesn’t matter who won the election.

    Let’s face it. Just take a look at the press release as of yesterday and today.

    * Rate cut
    European Central Bank announced that they slashed benchmark interest rate to 3.75% from 3.25%. In addition, The Bank of England adjusted the interest rate to 3% lower(4.5%->1.5%) resulting in falling below the European Central Bank’s for the first time since the common currency’s introduction in 1999, Swiss also did rate cut of 0.5%(2.5%->2.0%) unexpectedly and Czech did the same thing(3.5%->2.75%). Bank of Korea reduced the rate for third time in a month. So, it seems that all the central banks are racing to 0% rate. The investors are supposed to welcome the rate cut theoritically, however, they considered it as the global recession is getting wider over the world. In fact, the president of the ECB said they are going to slash more if the global credit squeeze deepens in order to boost consumer spending. Some day we could see negative interest rate.

    * Company revenue
    As you know Cisco is forecasting the first revenue drop in five years because of the financial crisis. Across the Atlantic, the world’s biggest steelmaker, said the demand is decreased and, as a result, they would do double production cuts. Every retailer except for WalMart, has never made money out of Halloween. For auto industry, you know better than me.

    * Employment
    The Labor Department released that total jobless climbed to the highest level in 25 years exceeding the economist’s
    estimation. The Commerce Department said consumer spending declined at a 3.1 percent annual pace during the third quarter, the first decrease since 1991 and the biggest since 1980.

    * Global growth
    IMF said global growth will be 2.2 percent next year, down from 3.7 percent this year and the world GDP would rise 3% in 2009 when IMF economists expected a 3.9 percent expansion. Here’s the estimated growth number for a few countries next year.
    US: -0.7%, Europe: -0.5%, Japan: -0.2%, England: -1.3, China: 8.5%(earlier est. was 9.3%)

    So, all these numbers published for two days say why the market plunged in such a big magnitude for two days.

    • done that 74.***.206.69

      Thank you for your information.
      I like to say thank you for posting this kind of article.
      But I also read about politics because it is the one of factor to move the market. The thing I mentioned was from two of my paid financial advisors and I wanted to verify it with them.

    • eroica 147.***.40.44

      Thanks, you are always welcome.
      I absolutely agree that the political stuff plays a critical role in economy. IMHO, maybe a ‘political economy’ is the better term for today’s ‘economy’.

    • 조오빠오빠 74.***.219.43

      누가 이기냐가중여하지..안그래 ?
      메케인이든 오바마든 누가이기냐에따라 경기부양과 글러벌 리세션이 달라지지않니 ??


      문제점들을 주욱 열거해놧는데..어느 당이 적극적 으로 문제해결을 제시하느냐에따라 경제 성장력이 달라지지않나 ??

      어디 세상에 경제란게 숫자로 푼다거 해서 해결이돼었던가 ??
      위에서 제시한것은 데이타일뿐이다..그것도 우린모른다 어느집단이 짜여진각본안에서 연출해내놨는지..암튼 그것은 데이터일뿐이지 미래를 알려주는

      타임머신은 아닌것이다.

      고로..중요는 정책 대안자들의 주체가 누군가인것이다 ,
      숫자는 숫자에불과함.

      중국과 대만과의관계 .일본과 한국과 북한과 일본 .러시아와 동유럽 중동.
      남미의 달러화 결제거 부 등등..이는 세게경제를 가늠해주는 엄청난 국제정세의

      지구촌이란 이렇게복잡한 글러벌 정치 경제 군사관계가 얽혀있는것이다.그것이바로 백악관 정치에서나온다 백악관 ~!!

    • eroica 76.***.243.223

      There are many dimensions when it comes to economy analysis. We are trying to figure out ‘which way’ and ‘how far’ a market will go and ‘when’ it will move to start. The political decisions are the one that can be used to foresee the ‘which way’ in long term. But, the statistical data is a very good tool to analyze the ‘how far’ and the ‘when’ because it makes us enable to quantify the economical situations.