[re] bullshit! “mad cow disease”

  • #100502
    tracer 198.***.38.59 3230

    from penn and teller’s bullshit!

    • ajPP 141.***.137.10

      재미있는 얘기지만 님께서 예전에 capital punishment에 대해 얘기한 논리와는 consistent하지 않네요. 제 경우엔, 마찬가지로 consistent하진 않지만, 오히려 capital punishment를 남겨두고 싶네요.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      in my capital punishment argument, it’s about forcing someone ELSE’s life to an end with people’s wrong decision(even with very small probability).
      if you feel uncomfortable with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, you can always choose not to eat it. there’s no law forcing you to eat beef. so i think your comparison is totally irrelevant.

      by the way, i’m not saying that it is right to totally open beef market just because there’s no evidence of being danger in US beef, again, it has to be thought in political reason and i agree with SD.Seoul that mad cow disease is not a proper card to use when dealing with beef trade deal.

    • ajPP 68.***.6.225

      Why is it irrelevant? It can also make someone else die after long and chronic pain. Beef is not a single product like 새우깡. It is really difficult to live completely without it in Korean society.

      Suppose there will be a person who ate a soup that contains beef powder but no visible beef, and die of the mad cow disease. Is she deserving death because she didn’t check if it contains beef?

      Both case might kill innocent people although with very low probability. I don’t see any disparity of logic between them.

    • tracer 198.***.38.59

      then, how about cancer? how about possible harm in electro magnetic pulse from your cell phone? heck, why not car crashing?
      your argument is like that letting people use their cell phone(sometimes killing people, not quite proven though) and sentencing a person to death(sometimes obviously wrongfully) is the same kind of behavior.

    • ajPP 68.***.6.225

      They are not the same decision. However, they are same in the sense that we do sometimes risk human lives for the sake of utility. Nobody sentences death to someone obviously wrongfully, although there are minuscule amount of “mistakes.” It seems US is more prone to the capital punishment, but in Korea, I’ve never heard any case where death penalty was overturned with further evidence except for the times of those irrational regimes.