
  • #147236
    poor guy 68.***.63.19 6437

    In case that the college tuition is not fully paid after graduation, then student will not receive the diplomacy?
    This is my case. I have not yet fully paid my tuition which I took deferrer payment plan. The school policy is that anyone who took deferred payment plan must pay the tuition until next quater begins. However, thanks to lovely manager of student service center I was able to graduate and promised to pay my remaining tuition fully as soon as possible.( the interest is being accumulated monthly) Since I have been thinking that I will be able to pay my tuition after I find a job, I have been delaying to pay it. And if I am not able to pay it, then it will affect to my credit?..( I am thinking to pay…but I cann’t now)

    Thank you

    • Going 63.***.193.35

      School would not give you the diploma and it may report to credit agency unless you pay full tuition.

    • poor guy 68.***.63.19

      Dear going
      what you are saying is that I must pay it right now so that my credit will be ok, right? But I explained them already, and they said that they will place me again into the deferred payment plan after graduate which is rarely used in school. I have known the manager who I mentioned above for many years….anyway What do I need to do? Do I call them and explain them again?

    • Going 172.***.9.225

      If the school allowed deferred payment to you, they will not report to credit agency. Just try to keep your promise to pay the dept.