pwc 인터뷰 앞두고 있는데(finance)

  • #149870
    초조 210.***.189.95 6716

    PWC에서 인터뷰 보자고 전화가 왔습니다.
    financial analyst와 어카운팅 엔트리 레벨에 내었거든요. 인터뷰 해보신분 계신가요?
    저는 캠퍼스 리쿠르팅이 아니라 그냥 hotjobs 보고 내었는데 연락이 왔네요.
    어떤 조언이라도 좋으니 부탁합니다. 인터뷰 내용이라든지 경험담 등등..

    • envy 159.***.46.141 writing is not the response to your question but…
      I envy you so~~ much..I’m wating for the interview chance from PWC too. I work for one of big bank as a finacial analyst. I’m MBA and CPA and do not know why I even do not get a chance from Big 4..Is it because my GPA is barely over 3.0?

      Would you tell me how long it took for you to get an interview chance from the application date?

    • ts 156.***.70.85

      for the most part, basically they check if you are the person who can perform CPA job in terms of how well you dedicate your energy and knowledge to auditing a client, in other words whether you can sacrifice a little bit of yourself to meet the deadlines, the bottom line is you are as smart as other collegues who will work with you in a certain team and at the same time not as dumb as you screw up the whole tasks (don’t worry about this since they have alreay screened out some unqualified candidates).
      so show them you love accounting job,really admires your company, and even perhaps you never imagined a job other than accounting for your career.
      Good luck with your interview. PwC has built up a good prestige, that’s what I heard from somewhere.

    • ts 156.***.70.85

      To envy
      I am so curious why you want to change your career from banking to accounting, considering your qualifications that you hold a MBA and CPA as well, working for one of big banks as a financial analyst position which couldn’t be accessible to somewhat normal candidates unless they have a good network inside the firm.

    • envy 159.***.110.141

      To ts.
      I’m with Traditional banking side not with Investment banking. I wanted to go to IB and applied for some positions internally, but they prefer someone with Big 4 experience + MBA. Besides, in my opinion, tradidinal banking is somewhat boring and conservative mostly focusing on the cash flow analysis. My work load is low compared to accounting jobs having some free time but career path is also very limited for growth.-being an underwriter which I don’t want to be..
      I want to be exposed to more active and challeging environment learning a lot before getting too late..
      Please advise me to be picked up for an interview..Is my low GPA being an obstacle or am I just not lucky enough? I’m really serious about it. Thanks in advance.

    • 초조 210.***.189.95

      envy님, 저를 envy하실 이유가 전혀 없고요, 저는 오히려 envy 님이 부러운데요. 인터뷰 본다고 다 되는 것도 아니고.. 저는 인터뷰 오라고는 하는데 잘 안되요.. 저도 학점 별로입니다. 3.0 겨우 넘어요. 경력도 사실 인더스트리 쪽이고요. MBA/CPA certi 있고요. 다른 특이한 사항은 없는 것 같네요. 이력서 내고는 거의 한달 후에 연락이 왔네요. envy님은 저보다 더 스펙이 좋으시니 조만간 연락이 오지 않을까…하는생각이..

    • ts 74.***.13.147

      well, you’re right in a sense that you will encounter unlimited numbers of challenge you work on, active working environment where you might travel a lot depending on where your clients are, and there must be always something to be learned whether it comes from accounting or clients. but the flip side of it is firms knowing most associates will leave for a better paying job in the near future are willing to push them into working around the year to get a high productivity.

      As for GPA, I don’t believe your low GPA would prevent you from pursuing public accounting career, but I’m more or less concerned about your overqualification, taking into consideration some perception that an MBA seeking a job in any of Big 4 seems not more attractive than other accouting-major candidates especially when it comes along with assurance rather than advisory(CForTS) similar to I-Banking but differ in the products they offer and the approaches they are based on.

      There are several lines of business in Big 4 so that you can choose what most interests you. You have a good work experience most relevant to advisory service and MBA under your belt, why don’t you try to make a trnastion into that area? trim,cut,add some line in your resume and finnally ensure it perfectly fits with the requirement Big 4 needs to see.
      Good luck with your career change !

    • envy 159.***.78.141

      To ts and Chozo

      Thank you for your sincere advice and encouragement. I’ll be patient and will try to focus on what I can do now rather being anxious about the low GPA. I have to admit I was a bit negligent in the current job worrying over my career path. Maybe everybody has their right time to pursue a next step and achieve it

      Good luck to both of you with your career and whatever you wish!