PERM 프로세싱이 예전에 비해 시간이 더 걸리는 이유

  • #3883206
    언제나 71.***.174.58 1152

    The increase in PERM processing times can be attributed to several factors:

    1. Higher Volume of Applications: There has been a significant increase in the number of PERM applications submitted. Between Fiscal Year 2022 and Fiscal Year 2023, the PERM program experienced a 12% increase in applications.

    2. Backlog of Pending Cases: The Department of Labor (DOL) has a growing backlog of pending cases. As of late 2023, there were approximately 71,000 pending cases within the former PERM system and 79,376 in the current FLAG system

    3. Resource Allocation: The DOL reallocates resources from the PERM program to other programs, such as the H-2A and H-2B programs, during their peak seasons to meet regulatory deadlines

    4. Increased Scrutiny: There is greater scrutiny by the DOL on PERM applications, which can lead to longer processing times2.
    System Changes: The implementation of a new ETA Form 9089 and a new filing system in 2023 has also contributed to delays

    5. System Changes: The implementation of a new ETA Form 9089 and a new filing system in 2023 has also contributed to delays.

    • real 50.***.42.49

      2023년에 perm 들어간 사람들은 어쩔수없네 ㅋㅋㅋ 다른이유도 이유지만 a new filing system in 2023 has also contributed to delays

    • Eastside 24.***.144.86

      단지 perm 뿐만아니라 140/485 에도 영향이 있는듯해요.
      8달넘었는데 140 노답이에요

      저기서 말한 higher volume 은 한국보다 다른 나라 신청자가 더 많지않을까요

    • 노아맘 137.***.130.20

      무엇보다 기존의 불체자문제, 최근의 멕시코 불법입국자 문제 때문에 이민국직원들이 눈코 뜰 새없이 바빠요.

    • zz 104.***.123.239

      이제 stem으로도 영주권 못받는 시대가 오는건ㄱ ㅏㅋㅋ

    • ffff 98.***.25.179

      급행이 가능한 부분 무조건 급행하셔야됩니다..

      • 그린카드 73.***.216.223

        급행은 하나밖에 없지 않나요? 140

    • ㅇㅇ 74.***.153.72

      최근 1-2년새 들어가신 분들은 역대 최악일 정도로 문호가 길어요. 앞으로 영주권 5-6년이 기본이라고 볼 수도 있음..