P0171 / P0172

  • #14508
    배우는중 70.***.92.183 5310


    기아 옵티마 2001년 4기통식에서
    체크엔진등이 들어와, 
    AUTOZONE에서 점검하니 P0171이라 해서,
    메케닉에 정밀 검사를 의뢰하니, MAF 센서를 바꾸라해서 직접 바꾼후, 약 100mile동안은 불이 안들어오다,
    다시들어와 AUTOZONE에서 점검결과 P0172이라 하네요.
    무엇을 어떻게 해야할지 고수분들께 문의드립니다. P0171과 0172가 너무 상반된 결과라..
    • bummer 74.***.35.162


      Check out the website regarding P0171 & P0172.
      It gives general info regarding cause/symptom/solution.

      Since MAF sensor(s) have been replaced, I doubt that’s the problem but
      I’d give it a good clean and check around the MAF sensor(s) for any build-ups
      and check for any leaks with vacuum hoses.
      For simple fixes, it isn’t much of a problem replacing
      unfortunately, there are limits on how much a non-mech could do…

      Best solution
      1. research/google the code and see what can be done

      2. take it to a shop :[

      best of luck

    • 배우는중 70.***.92.183

      Thank you so much.