Home Job Postings [Orange County, CA] 한국 식품대기업 미국지사에서 {재무이사} 및 {푸드산업전문가}를 모십니다 This topic has replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 4 months ago by Goodfinder Search America. Now Editing “[Orange County, CA] 한국 식품대기업 미국지사에서 {재무이사} 및 {푸드산업전문가}를 모십니다” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) Company * Location Expires at 한국 대표 식품대기업의 미국지사에서 아래와 같이 [재무이사]와 [푸드산업전문가]를 모십니다. 1. Finance Director [근무지] 미국 캘리포니아 오렌지 카운티 [직무] - Corporate finance - Corporate tax law - P&L Projections and Management - Budget planning and management - Investment analysis (payroll, incentives/bonuses, organization restructuring, organization expansion, pricing effects, SKU optimization, promotion effectiveness, market sensing, marketing campaign effectiveness, M&A, etc.) - Presentation material development (Projections, data charts, analysis, negotiation proposal, etc.) [자격요건] - Minimum 10 years in budget planning and corporate investment analysis - 시민권자, 영주권자 [연봉] 160k~180k 2. F&B B2B Sales Director [근무지] 미국 캘리포니아 오렌지 카운티 [직무] - Sell ingredients to food manufacturers - Seasoned B2B sales manager in food manufacturing industry - Establish new accounts and drive sales - Establish network and relationship with food manufacturing ingredients buyers from leading manufacturers in snack foods, beverages, baby foods, health bars, broth, noodle, sauce, seasoning, condiments, etc. (Prefer already has established networks and trade history with these accounts) - Data driven strategy and planning - Build and carry out B2B Sales strategy (Demand planning, promo strategy, store presence) - Negotiate terms and condition - Manage accounts - Manage budgets and own P&L management - MBO and target setting [자격요건] - Minimum 10 years in foods B2B sales to manufacturers - Opened to travel (over 50% of the time) - 시민권자, 영주권자 [연봉] 150k~170k 3. 문의 및 이력서 송부: ykim@goodfinder.ca I agree to the terms of service Update List