Home Job Postings Operational Excellence This topic has replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 7 months ago by career. Now Editing “Operational Excellence” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) Company * Location Expires at 대기업 (제조업) 미국 법인에서 operation 부문 채용중입니다. 인하우스 컨설팅이라 생각하시면 되고, 향후 커리어 개발에 도움이 많이 될 것입니다. Urgent position 인 관계로 미국에 거주 중이신 분 선호합니다. 주요 업무 . Research operational enhancement cases of global suppliers . Analyze operational and financial performance data to identify operational issues across major business processes or systems . Recommend improvement initiatives to relevant teams and monitor execution of the initiatives . Lead process in-charge persons to document process outlines, flowcharts, and business policies . Provide practical guidance on way of using the global process management system to the process in-charge persons . Provide vital assistance on smart factory implementation project in collaboration with AI start-ups or Academia . Support implementation of global ERP and supply chain system for the execution of projects * 자격 요건 * . 상경계 또는 유관 전공 . 영어 (타 부서와 커뮤니케이션이 잦은 관계로 영어 잘하셔야 합니다) . 유관 경력 0~10년 * 지원 서류 * . 영문 이력서 ahs21c@gmail.com I agree to the terms of service Update List