Nokia가 CDMA 관련

  • #149187
    green 207.***.247.131 3856

    며칠전 nokia가 cdma쪽은 더이상 자체 연구개발은 하지 않겠다는 뉴스를 봤는데 그럼 sandiego R&D center를 없애는 건가요? 그렇다면 좋은 엔지니어를 충원할 수있는 기회일것 같은데.. 아시는 분은 comment부탁 드립니다.

    • ll 63.***.224.163

      I am not working there but Yes, I heard some of my friends who are working at Nokia said that there would be a big change in near future. It’s expected that Nokia will close San Diego R&D center in this fall or earlier. At least 50% of engineers will be laid off. This is what I heard but more accurate news will be followed soon.