My successful contract with Amazon

  • #3733545
    brad 24.***.244.132 432



    Amazon 12
    Production by Amazon 10.50
    Me 7.50

    Print as it is sold.

    100,000 copies guaranteed.

    Over $700,000 profit.


    • brad 24.***.244.132


    • brad 24.***.244.132

      Print as it sell.

      I got nothing to lose.

      I only get money.

    • 하핳 24.***.21.198

      70만불??? 800페이지 괘변으로???

    • brad 24.***.244.132


      No speaking Korean?

    • 신념 24.***.114.210

      그 병 고칠라면 돈 많이든다.
      책 한권 가지구 되건냐

    • Bierd 46.***.0.7

      I’ve been recently trying to resolve one issue with my recently launched marketplace business, and it appears I need to reach out to an amazon account specialist for this process to go smoother in the shortest timeframe, I hope the service will provide a competent response based on my current concerns.