Mark8님 그리고 다른 고수님들

  • #13134
    jj 71.***.252.141 5134

    저번에 2001 Mercedes ML320 아침마다 BAS/ESP, ETS, ABS, brake sign, engine check sign 나오고 가속이 안 되는 문제로 고민 올렸던 사람입니다.딜러에서 ESP module을 갈아야 한다며 엄청난 금액을 불러서, 이 모듈을 떼서 eBay에서 찾은 테네시에 있는 AutoEcu 라는 회사에 보내서 rebuilding하는 것을 시도해 봤습니다.결과는 마찬가지이더군요.이후 다시 스캔해봤더니 PO 173,720,600 이렇게 나왔어요. 이것을 그 회사에 문의했더니 이런 대답이 왔어요. 혹시 조언해 주실 말씀 있으시면 부탁드릴게요.

    Here is P0173 ,this is not associated with the abs Assembly,
    I have attached the two Fault Codes, and they also are not associated the Hydraulic Assembly,
    You may have an Issues with your ESP Computer ,Your Transmission Computer, and Your Engine Computer,
    These fault codes are associated with those.
    Thank You

    Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Information
    Self-Adaptation of Mixture Formation For Left Bank of Cylinders Is at Limit Value (at Part Load)
    • Enrichment Over Permissible Limit
    Part 1
    Part 2
    • Enleanment Below Permissible Limit
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Self-Adaptation of Mixture Formation For Left Bank of Cylinders Is at Limit Value (at Idle Speed)
    • Enrichment Over Permissible Limit
    Part 1
    Part 2
    • Enleanment Below Permissible Limit
    Part 1
    Part 2
    Self-Adaptation of Mixture Formation For Left Bank of Cylinders Is at Limit Value (Between Idle Speed and Part Load)
    • Overcorrection of Injector Mixture
    Part 1
    Part 2
    • Undercorrection of Injector Mixture
    Part 1
    Part 2

    • Mark8 68.***.242.194

      하루정도 기다려 주세요.

    • jj 71.***.227.101

      네! 기다리겠습니다.

    • 배주 68.***.158.43

      jj님 안녕하세요
      ESP는 우리말로 전자식주행안전프로그램입니다
      BAS,ABS다 샤시부분에 문제되면 이코드가 뜨는데 정검해야할부분이 광범위해서
      꼭 스케너가있어야합니다
      쉬울땐 스탑램프 벌브필라멘트가 서로영겨붙어도 역전류가흘러 가속도안되고
      위코드도 발생합니다
      제가 말씀을 꼭드리고싶은건 STAR스케너가 있는곳으로가세요입니다
      이스케너는 전용스케너입니다
      그리고 ESP먀쥴을 교환하셨다고했는데
      MB차종은 캔통신을하게에 마쥴을 교환하면 필히~필히 CODING을 해야합니다
      이것또한 STAR스케너로 합니다
      po173,720.600 이또한 문제될꺼없이 이스케너가 속시원히 풀어줍니다
      미국에서 20~30년된 한인정비사는 스케너서비스테이터도 판독할줄모르니

    • Mark8 68.***.242.194

      주말에 바빠서 아직 제대로 된 리서치를 못해 봤습니다.

      아래의 2 가지 비슷한 사례를 인터넷에서 발견했는데요
      이게 jj님과 동일한 문제인것 같은데요
      한번 비교해 주시기바랍니다.

      첫번째 문제는 MB딜러에서 노련한 메카닠도 못고치는 것 같습니다.

      1. Hi, my wife has a 2000 ml 320 that has 2 problems we can’t figure out. We have a excellent mechanic who works at the MB dealership and he don’t have the answers. Also we took the car to a very reputable MB service center and spent $400 bucks for nothing, he said everything in the car is functioning properly and can’t explain why its happening.

      The car for no apparent reason gives ABS, Brake, BAS/ESP ETS, lights and the chime beeper comes on while driving. There are no reasons that cause them to come on and no way to get them to go off other than pulling over, turning off the engine and waiting for 2 to 3 minutes before restarting. Its very annoying and I’m worried it may not be safe to drive.
      The second problem is in the undercarriage, the is a creaking sound that all the same people can not figure out where it is coming from??? Its very noticeable and happens when you put the car in gear, start from a stop or come to a stop. it seems to be coming from everywhere on the underneath of the car.

      2. Someone with same experience please help me!
      My 2001 ML320 had check engine light for months which I ignored.
      2 months and 2000 miles ago I had front brake pads and rotors replaced at a shop (OEM ones).
      Since 1 month ago occasionally in the morning when it’s chilly here in San Diego, BAS/ESP,ETS,ABS,Brake warning sign and red Brake sign illuminate all at once with beeping sound upon ignition or 5-10 seconds after ignition. Car shakes upon gear change. When I drive on, speedometer stays at 0, although tacometer works and the car feels like scratching on the ground with increased friction, as if I had not released the brake.
      This is not happening when I start the car later in the day when it’s warmer. The next morning it recurs.
      As you might have noticed, I am a novice. Someone said it’s brake switch. others said it’s speed sensor. Stealership said ESP control unit, traction unit. They said ESP control unit is faulting and ESP control unit connector has corrosion, quote for replacement is $3319.
      I know similar problems were posted here many, many times but wondering if someone had exactly same problem I have and can share how they handled it. Thanks!

      일단은 제가 계속 시간나는대로 리서치를 해 보겠습니다.

    • jj 71.***.250.106

      Mark8님 2번이 제가 포스팅한 것이랍니다.ㅎㅎ
      어떤 내용이든 추가로 알려 주시면 도움되겠습니다. 감사합니다.

    • Mark8 151.***.94.240

      jj님 이제야 시간을 내서 리서치를 좀 했습니다.
      님도 많이 찾아 보셨겠지만 P0720은
      Transmission control module 과 transmission을
      연결하는 harness 에 밋션오일이 묻어서
      TCM 이 transmission 을 제대로 Control 못하게 되고
      그래서 차가 limp 한답니다.
      TCM 과 Transmission은 13가닥의 전선과 연결되어 있고
      O-ring 이 밋션 바디에서 나오는 전선을 둘러싸고 있는데
      이게 느슨하면 오일이 선을 타고 커넥터를 오염시키게 되나 봅니다.
      그래서 클리너를 사서 뿌리고 말린 다음에 연결했더니
      차가 limp하는 현상은 없어 졌다고 합니다.
      (The guy said “With the cleaned connector to the transmission
      and a new brake light switch I went on a few test drives.
      The P0720 error hasn’t shown up anymore.
      After driving for about 3 weeks without any issues
      I believe the problem is fixed now”)