Looking for mid-level web designer

  • #158151
    GAAD Corp. 74.***.219.108 3772

    gaad Soft is currently looking for a Mid-Level Web Designer for a long term opportunity in the South Bay area.


    * Required Skills/Experiences:

    – 3+ years experience with web design
    – Skills for web design and image design
    – Experience with Photoshop, Illustrator, Flash, Dreamweaver
    – Strong knowledge and experience with HTML, CSS, Ajax, XML

    * Preferred but not required experiences:
    – Flash action script programming
    – Skill or experience for web application development using Microsoft ASP.net, php is plus
    – Skills or experience for web site planing and/or site layout design is plus
    – Experience with Flex, Silverlight is plus
    – Experience with CMS tool

    H-1B Visa sponsor available.

    To apply, please send your resume to hr@gaadcorporation.com in a Microsoft Word file or pdf file.

    LA South Bay 지역에서 꾸준히 성장하는 13년 된 작지만 탄탄한 한인 회사입니다.

    H-1B 비자 스폰서 및 Transfer도 가능합니다.

    많은 지원 바랍니다.

    • rr 24.***.30.141
