Looking for accounting, operations, or finance (not brokerage) position in Los Angeles area.

  • #161089
    LosAngelesCandidate 99.***.147.118 4151

    I am open to part-time or full-time and looking for a place where I can
    stay long-term, at least 2 years. 

      I am hoping to
    work with respectful and like-minded coworkers in team-work environment with
    room to grow and knowledge to be learned. 
    Wilshire or Downtown LA would be best for me to commute but I am open to
    work in other areas nearby.  

    weaknesses may be: difficulty communicating or understanding people who came
    from Korea recently, not good with dealing with gossips in office, difficulty
    handling unfair treatment or vulgar language. 
    However, I am learning to overcome these weaknesses through working at
    various environments.

      I am
    great with PowerPoint and can work with some Adobe web software such as
    Dreamweaver.  With my corporate finance
    and work experience, I can overlook business process more easily than others
    and can compute P&L and trend for the firm.

    I can start 3/1 or immediately if needed.  Please contact at bilingualcand@gmail.com  Thank you.


    구직란이 따로 없어 여기에 글을 올립니다. 여기서 자라서 한국말이 조금 서툴지만 엘에이 쪽에 직장을 구하고 있습니다.  파이낸스 공부하고 operations, accounting, finance쪽으로 5년 이상 경력있습니다. 

    퀵북, 엑셀 하구요, 외국 client들과 business relationship 잘 쌓을수 있습니다.

    보시고 연락주세요.