LG Hausys America, Inc.
LG Hausys America, Inc. ((구) LG 화학 산업재부문)는 조지아 애틀란타의 I-285와 I-75가 만나는 지점에 미주법인 본부가 위치해 있습니다. 애틀란타 HQ에는 약 48명의 임직원이 근무하고 있으며, 인조 인테리어 대리석 (Acrylic Solid Surface)를 생산하는 Calhoun, GA 인근의 LG Hi-Macs공장에서는 약 62명의 생산 및 생산지원 임직원들이 근무하고 있습니다.
금번 마케팅부서의 역량 강화에 따라 아래와 같이 신입(또는 경력) 직원을 채용하고자 하오니 관심있으신 분들의 많은 지원바랍니다.
1. 모집분야 및 채용인원
– Marketing Assistant: O 명2. 지원자격 :
– 미국내에서 상기분야로 2/4년제학위 이상의 학력을 보유한 자
– 한국어로 의사소통이 가능한 자
– Design분야의 학위자 선호
– Field 경험 가진자 선호
– 진취적이고 열정적인자 선호3. 제출서류 :
– 국문 이력서 (또는 영문이력서) 및 경력(자기) 소개서 각 1부 (희망급여 표기요망)4. 급여조건 :
– 면접후 상의5. 근 무 지 :
– Atlanta, GA6. 전형방법 :
– 서류전형 후 면접 (서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별통보함)7. 서류 접수기간 :
– 수시접수8. 접수방법 :
– 인터넷 접수 (HR Manager: msparkap@lghausys.com)9. 기 타 :
– 접수된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않음
– 제출된 서류에 허위사실이 있을 경우 입사를 취소할 수 있음Job Posting: Marketing Assistant
Basic Function: assist overall marketing activities for LG Hausys (mainly for LG Hausys Floors’ commercial and residential businesses)
Primary Accountabilities:
1. Collaborates with Marketing Managers, PR, Trade Show and Creative agencies and Divisions’ Special Events teams to implement marketing plans for advertising, trade shows, and marketing or promotional material development.
2. Support Sales Team and sales partners on a regular basis
3. Assists day to day activity with PR, press, and marketing communications agencies.
4. Maintains sales partners and customers data and all marketing related data.
5. Assist with promotional materials and sweepstakes, including mailing and shipping of promotional items
6. Edits materials according to specific market or sales partners’ requirements.
7. Monitors and report daily web based activities and the inventory of Samples and Marketing materials
8. Light administrative work, such as periodic travel arrangements and expense reports
(enter marketing expense data to ERP)
9. May write articles and design layouts.Requirements:
The successful candidate will possess the following attributes:• Excellent oral, written, organizational and interpersonal skills
• Ability to handle and prioritize multiple tasks simultaneously in a deadline-driven, fast-paced environment.
• Detail-oriented, flexible, diplomatic and resourceful
• A Bachelor’s degree and at least one year work experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience.
• Familiarity with all facets of marketing such as advertising, trade shows and print media.
• Ability to execute a comprehensive marketing plan for multiple products
• Demonstrated ability to execute to schedule and budget
• Proficient in PowerPoint, Excel, Microsoft Word.
• Online applications, graphic softwares (PhotoShop and Illustrator) and HTML a plus.
• native English/ fluent Korean speaker
• good writing and deign skills Plus!감사합니다.