[Kookmin Bank] Compliance Manager

  • #170914
    jobkoreausa 108.***.15.19 4519

    KB국민은행 뉴욕지점에서 최고의 능력을 갖춘 성실하고 훌륭한 직원을 모집합니다.

    1. 채용 분야

    • Compliance Manager

    2.채용 인원:1명

    3.제출 서류

    • 국문 및 영문 이력서 *희망급여 및 연락처 (전화번호,이메일) 기재요망
    • 국문 및 영문 자기 소개서

    4.지원 자격

    • Compliance 경력 5년 이상
    • 대졸 이상 학력 소지자
    • 한국어/영어 또는 영어 (Reading, Writing, Speaking)
    • 영주권자 및 시민권 자에 한함
    • 취업에 결격 사유가 없는 분

    5.근무 지역: 뉴욕 맨하튼 (565 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10017)

    6.서류 지원 방법 및 채용 절차

    • 이메일 서류 접수
    • 서류 심사 후 합격자에 한하여 개별 면접일자 통보
    • 면접 후 최종 선발

    7.서류 제출 기한: 2014.1.10(금)


    • 제출된 서류는 일체 반환하지 않음

    많은 지원 바랍니다.

    Compliance Manager

    Company Name: Kookmin Bank New York Br. (Korea)

    Job Function: Compliance Specialist

    Entry Level: No

    Location: Manhattan, New York 10017

    Job Type: Full time

    Min. Education: BA/BS/Undergraduate

    Min. Experience: 5 years

    Required Travel: 0-10%

    Job Description:


    This position is responsible for the branch’s management process and the branch’s compliance control. This position is a relationship manager with regulators. This position leads the compliance team and reports to General Manager. The BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Manager is responsible for the development, maintenance and implementation of policy and regulatory procedures related to the Bank Secrecy Act, USA PATRIOT Act, and OFAC regulations across the bank.

    • Promote compliance with Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Office of Foreign Asset Control (OFAC) laws and regulations
    • Provide guidance and assistance with BSA/AML and OFAC bank policies and risk assessment processes
    • Establish and conduct BSA/AML and OFAC monitoring and testing programs for the bank and covered entity compliance procedures and processes
    • Review the branch’s established guidelines and recommend new guidelines to G/M.
    • Overview regulatory reports and H.O. reports prepared.
    • Responsible for overseeing the branch’s compliance process and software.
    • Provide monthly, quarterly or other BSA/AML reports
    • Investigate daily BSA/AML & OFAC process
    • Correspond to on-sight examination and its follow up
    • Serve as a liaison to educate and promote an environment of compliant and ethical business conduct
    • Maintain and prepare reports as required by general manager and regulators.
    • Perform its responsibility as a security Manager
    • Provide general consulting and guidance to lines of business on AML regulations, policies and procedures
    • Provide training and education on BSA/AML and OFAC compliance topics as necessary


    • Broad-based knowledge of the BSA/AML/OFAC federal regulatory environment
    • Conducts research and analysis, responds to questions, makes recommendations, and develops solutions in area of expertise
    • Communicates issues and/or resolutions to impacted areas and provides guidance for appropriate action
    • Develops, documents, implements, communicates, and maintains programs, projects, procedures, and materials related to compliance
    • Promotes compliance, application of proper internal operating controls, and adherence to company policies within area of responsibility
    • Develops, reviews, and/or delivers presentations to a wide variety of audiences
    • Maintains awareness of current legislative and regulatory requirements
    • Participates in project groups and committees

    Job Requirements:

    Competences and Experience:

    • Experienced compliance practice manager with International(Foreign) Wholesale banking environment preferred
    • Four year college degree or equivalent experience
    • Minimum of 5 years of research/analysis experience in BSA/AML and OFAC compliance programs or equivalent experience
    • Strong knowledge of money laundering laws, regulations, and guidance including the Bank Secrecy Act, the USA PATRIOT act, Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN) AML guidelines, OFAC requirements, and Suspicious Activity Reporting requirements
    • Candidate must have good listening skills and be able to communicate effectively both orally and in writing
    • Solid interpersonal skills and the ability to work collaboratively with business partners and team members

    Other Requirements:

    • CAMS (Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist) certification preferred
    • Bilingual English/Korean Preferred


    • Job may require travel to various business locations, field offices, conventions, and industry meetings, via commercial transportation and driving motor vehicles
    • May be required to work irregular hours during periods of heavy workload or to meet deadlines
    • Must recognize the need for, and apply discretion and appropriate security measures when handling confidential and sensitive information
    • May require passing additional background checks

    Our Total Rewards benefits package includes:

    Competitive starting salary, Medical Insurance, Pension Dental, Life and Disability Insurance, Vision.


    • 국민뱅크 108.***.224.24

      여기 이런 포지션은 샐러리가 어떤가요
      미국내 한인 은행 점장들도 육만 정도 라던데
      위의 포지션은 어떨까요?

    • jobkoreaus… 155.***.80.253

      저런 포지션의 연봉은 15만불입니다. 모든 benefit도 있고요!

      • 68.***.182.39

        구라를 쳐도 유분수지…나도 저기랑 비슷한 수준에 한인은행 출신인데 무슨 연봉이 15만불씩이나 합니까?
        대졸 신임초봉 2만대 후반, 3만대 초반이고, 경력 5년 컴플라이언스면 대리급에 4만 후반에서 5만대다.
        15만불은 한국에서 온 주재원 부장급 연봉이다.
        황당해서 말도 안나오는 댓글을 달고 있네

        • 150K 147.***.186.6


          제가 알기론 주재원 부장급도 15만 불은 못 받는 걸로 알고 있습니다.

    • Compliance 69.***.45.142

      15만 불보다는, 거기서 “1”자 뺀 5만 불이 차라리 더 현실적인 액수입니다.

    • 블루문 76.***.110.150

      은행compliance 5년 경력은 대체 어디서 쌓는거죠?

    • ㅈㅈ 108.***.176.176

      꼭 한인 기업에서 Posting 올리면 비꼬는 글이 많이 올라오네요. 다들 얼마나 잘나셨길래..

    • 블루문 76.***.110.150

      비꼬는게 아니라, 금융계에서 compliance 쪽 경력은 어떻게 쌓죠?

    • 현재미국은행 71.***.59.17

      compliance 경력은 미국 은행에서 쌓을수 있습니다. Bank Secrecy Act, USA PATRIOT Act, and OFAC regulations across the bank 등은 미국 은행 텔러서 부터 거의 모든 직원들이 매년 혹은 특정 기간 마다 숙지하고 간단한 테스트를 통해 업데이트를 하고 있는데요. manager급을 찾는거라면 미국계 은행에서도 compliance department에서 specialist나 analyst 등으로 몇년간 업무를 배우게 되면 자동으로 경력을 쌓게 되는거죠. 그럼 그런 직업은 어캐 구하는가.. 텔러로 들어가서 internal job posting등에 기회가 떠서 잡는 방법도 있을거고, 아님 은행에 빵빵한 reference가 있어서 추천받아 들어갈수도 있겠죠. 아님 스팩이 괜찮아서 자리가 있을때 들어가도 될테구요.

    • 잡코리아USA 108.***.15.19

      안녕하세요. 채용정보를 올린 잡코리아USA입니다. 경력에 따라 연봉의 차이는 있지만 $100,000 정도까지 가능합니다. 관심이 있으신분들은 많이 지원해 주세요.