International Stock Trading System

  • #162276
    BG Ko 72.***.209.197 3811
    Target market이 조금 다르다는건 이해 합니다.


    Reuters Market Data system development for international stock trading system targeting for 30 equity markets.


    Planning to move equity trading market data system development from Alexandria VA to Seoul while supporting clients in Korean and Japan


    Sr Developer: 2

    Lead Developer 1

    Salary: whatever necessary

    Location: Seoul

    Office: HongKong, Alexandria VA, Shelton CT

    Programming Language: Java, Scala

    Language: English(team communication), Japanese (supporting clients)

    Education: not important

    Company: Based on HongKong founded by Americans

    Technology: Reuters Market Data, MOM

    Requirement: understanding of high performance application design and event driven architecture.


    send resume in english to