그냥 과 이메일로 온건데, 혹시 잡 찾으시는 분(컴공 혹은 산업공 졸업 박사)들에게 도움이 될까해서 올려봅니다. 이 회사가 좀 구인 난인 것 같아서요. 저랑 지난 학기 프로젝트 같이 했던 중국인 친구(박사)가 여기서 인턴했고, 저희 랩 태국애(박사)가 일로 취업했습니다. 사장이 인도 출신으로 University of Florida에 강의도 하고, 근무 환경과 연봉은 특별히 좋지도 나쁘지도 않은 것 같습니다. 대부분의 직원이 인도, 중국 출신으로 미국에서 석,박사 학위를 받은 사람들이고요. 학사졸 연봉이 5만 좀 넘는다는 것 같습니다. 홈페이지에 좀 자세히 나와 있습니다.
Post-Doctoral Associate Position at Innovative Scheduling and
Florida International UniversityInnovative Scheduling, Inc., a software company based in Gainesville, has an opening for a Post-Doctoral Associate starting immediately. Innovative Scheduling is a recipient of a Small Business Innovations Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support a Post-Doctoral Associate to conduct research on railroad optimization problems. This grant is in partnership with Florida International University (FIU). The selected person will collaborate with both Innovative Scheduling and FIU researchers, but the primary place of work will be at Innovative Scheduling. The position is initially for one year but is likely to be extended for one more year.
Innovative Scheduling is conducting cutting-edge research to solve very large-scale and complex planning and scheduling problems arising in transportation, developing optimization and simulation engines to solve these problems, and packaging these engines within web-based decision support systems. Innovative Scheduling is currently focused on developing railroad decision support systems and aspires to become a major software provider for freight and passenger railroads world-wide. In due course, the company plans to diversify into other modes of transportation. The company offers a very friendly, collegial, and intellectually challenging place to work as most of its staff holds advanced degrees in Industrial Engineering/Operations Research/Computer Science. The company is located in Gainesville, a beautiful college town in the sunny Florida, which has consistently been ranked as one of the most livable cities in USA. More details about the company and its team members are available at the company’s website: http://www.InnovativeScheduling.com.
The candidate must hold a Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering or Operations Research or Computer Science. The work will involve developing optimization or simulation algorithms, programming these algorithms in C++, and assisting in integrating these codes within decision support systems. There will be opportunities to work with industry personnel and to publish part of the research work conducted. The candidate must have an excellent modeling, algorithmic, and programming experience. A background in logistics and transportation will be preferred though not required.
Interested persons should send their detailed resumes (including a list of publications and three references) by email to the undersigned:
Ravindra K. Ahuja
President, Innovative Scheduling, Inc.
GTEC, 2153 SE Hawthorne Road,
Gainesville, FL 32641
Email: ravi@InnovativeScheduling.com
Phone: (352) 870-8401