Immigrants’ contribution to the US: The Numbers

  • #145545
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    Immigrant takes a very important role in the development of the U.S society. The U.S Department of Commence has published a document which shows the important role of the immigrants:

    1. immigrants contribute to the U.S economy

    • Economists Agree That Immigration Has Been a Net Gain for American Citizens: On June 19, more than 500 top economists, including five Nobel Laureates, signed a joint letter stating unequivocally that immigration has been a net gain for American citizens.
    • The Number of Hispanic-Owned Businesses Grew at Three Times the National Rate: 1.6 million Hispanic owned businesses in 2002, up 31% from 1997.
    • The Net Impact of Immigration on Public Budgets is Positive: A study by the National Research Council found that immigrants and their descendants contribute $99,200 more in taxes than they receive in public services over their lifetimes.
    • Immigrants Don’t Take Jobs Away From Americans: Nearly two-thirds of Americans say that immigrants coming to the country mostly take jobs that Americans do not want, rather than take jobs away from Americans.
    • Immigrants Increase the Size of the Economic Pie:
    In 1997, the National Research Council conducted a thorough study of immigration and concluded that immigration provides a “significant positive gain” – which adjusted for a $12 trillion economy in 2005 – amounts to $25 billion annually for Americans born in the United States.
    • Access to Migrant Workers Is Critical to U.S. Agriculture: Without access to migrant labor, as much as $5-9 billion in annual agricultural production would be lost to foreign competitors. Production of fresh fruits, vegetables, and nursery products would be hit hardest, as 10-20% of output would shift to other countries and up to a third would disappear.

    2. immigrants serve our country

    • Serving in Our Military: More than 33,000 non-citizens currently serve in our military, putting their lives on the line to defend liberties and freedoms they have yet to secure for themselves.
    • Since September 11, 2001, More Than 26,000 Service Men and Women Have Been Naturalized: During 2005, more than 6, 000 military service members were naturalized.

    3. immigrants strengthen American values

    • Immigrants Believe in Hard Work, Not Welfare: More than 73% of immigrants say it is extremely important for immigrants to “work and stay off welfare.”
    • Giving Back To Their Communities: More than 76% of immigrants have volunteered to help a local organization or church.
    • Believe It Is Important To Learn English: Nearly 9 in 10 of immigrants say it is extremely important for immigrants to be able to speak and understand English. Nearly 2 in 3 say that “the U.S. should expect all immigrants who don’t speak English to learn it.”

    As the immigrants are so important to the United States, the American people support comprehensive immigration reform. 84% percent of voters think it is important Congress pass legislation to address illegal immigration. And 78% of voters support reform that increase border security; enacts tougher penalties on employers; creates a temporary worker program for guest workers; and creates an earned legalization program.