Immediate Opening for Full Charge bookkeeping and Payroll specialist.

  • #3092850
    jnc 76.***.151.140 381

    JNC Accountancy Corp.

    San Jose, CA, USA

    Immediate Opening for Full Charge bookkeeping and Payroll specialist.

    We are seeking an new / experienced Full Charge Accountant and HR specialist to join our team! This is a great opportunity with an established, growing company looking for an new/experienced bookkeeper to take charge of accounting and human resources tasks.

    Responsibilities include general bookkeeping tasks, General Ledger, year-end closing, tax reporting preparation and support to supervisors, and custom report generation to meet our specific needs. Knowledge and experiences on Human resources work includes payroll and office administration is must.

    Overall related experiences should be plus. but, Exquisite training session will be provided.
    The ideal candidate will thrive in a team-oriented environment and have a good grasp of generally accepted accounting principles. Bilingual Korean & English and strong knowledge of Quickbooks & MS Excel is a must!

    책임과 열정을 가지고 일하실 분을 찾습니다.
    경험이 있으시거나, 없으시 분도 열정을 가지고 책임감 있게 일하시는 분 환영합니다.
    한국에서 회사 다니신 경험은 있으나 미국에서 막상 직업을 구하기가 두려우셨던 분들도 도전해 보세요!
    편안한 분위기에서 새로이 일을 배우면서 도전하실 수 있습니다.
    합법적으로 일 할 수 있는 신분이시거나 이중언어 구사자 이시면 더욱 좋습니다.
    Quickbooks 경험 있으신 분, MS Office 능통하신 분 (엑셀 중급자 이상 고급자 우대)
    관련하여 트레이닝 및 사내 교육 지원 가능합니다.

    We are one of the best established and outstanding accounting firm located in San Jose, CA.
    Please email resume at