Home Forums Green Card & Citizen I-131 승인후 우편 EditDeleteReply 2024-09-1313:25:44 #3888779 AP 14.***.98.203 429 안녕하세요 131 승인되신분들중에 Advance Parole document was produced로 된후 보통 얼마만에 받으셨나요? 아니면 바뀐후 우편으로 보냈다고 또 바뀌나요? 감사합니다 Love1 Hate2 List Write EditDeleteReply niwniw 38.***.208.109 2024-09-1313:53:44 2/16 P2 ‘Adv Parole Document Was Produced” 2/22 P1 “Adv Parole Document Was Produced” 2/26 P2 I-512L received 3/07 P1 I-512L received EditDeleteReply AP 172.***.1.64 2024-09-1321:15:14 생각보다 시간이 좀 걸리네요. 답변 감사드립니다. Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment