[Head Hunting] HR Manager(제약회사)

  • #168938
    hennymccoy 14.***.236.29 1924

    ▣ Company: 외국계 제약회사

    ▣ Position: HR Manager

    ▣ Korean Title: 과장~차장

    ▣ Responsibility 
    1. Compensation & Benefit (payroll (with payroll agency), Market survey at least 2~3 yrs, Job analysis & evaluation, budgeting at least 2~3 yrs..) 
    2. Recruiting process and involvement (arrangement, interviewing, selection process) 
    3. Employee Relations activities (leading company events, committees and encourage and develop of ER) 
    4. HR Performance System handling and communicate with employees 
    5. Coordinator of OJT and sharing information for new / resigned employees 
    6. Improve HR policy and process and experience Internal & external audit
    7. Providing regional report and cross-functional reports
    8. General admin work (10%..) 
    9. Should be available for daily work proactively

    ▣ Requirments
    – HR경력 Minimum 5년이상~10년
    – HRM (C&B 및 채용)경력자

    And prefers below

    – Design and execute of training courses (at least interest in HRD…) 
    – Key talent development planning involvement 
    – Project involvement such as Organizational Development, etc.. 
    – Pharma. Industry experience 
    – Proficient in English

    ▣ Location : 서울시 강남구

    ▣ 전형방법 
    – 서류 및 면접 전형 
    – 서류 전형에 합격한 분에 한하여 개별 연락을 드립니다. 

    ▣ 제출서류 
    – 한글과 영문이력서를 MS-Word 양식으로 e-mail로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 
    – E-mail 제목에 ‘본인 이름 및 지원분야 [예: Daniel – HR Manager]’기재 
    – 제출마감시간 : 채용시까지

    ▣ 연락처 
    Senior Manager, Felix Won 
    Mobile      82-10-5112-2317 
    Office      82-2-508-7406 
    Email       felix@hennymccoy.com