Home Talk Politics GSOMIA 파기의 최대 피해자는 한국민 This topic has [2] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by 782. Now Editing “GSOMIA 파기의 최대 피해자는 한국민” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) 그리고 승자는 북한. 정말 한번도 경험하지 않은 나라를 만들고 있구나. 아직 2년밖에 안지났다는 게 더 절망적이다. — Either way, the biggest losers may be the South Koreans. “Not renewing GSOMIA is a stunningly stupid decision by South Korea that will hurt itself more than anyone else,” tweeted Mintaro Oba, a speechwriter at West Wing Writers and a former Korea desk officer at the State Department. “Seoul will pay a very grave price for this in Washington. It is not in keeping with a constructive approach to the U.S.-Korea alliance.” And the biggest winner is likely to be North Korea. — https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/south-korea-axes-pact-to-share-military-intelligence-with-japan/2019/08/22/fe57061c-c4be-11e9-8bf7-cde2d9e09055_story.html I agree to the terms of service Update List