GPS S/w engineer에 관련하여

  • #149800
    daniel 211.***.248.127 5417

    안녕하세요.. 폰쪽 경험만 가지고 있는데
    gps 칩을 만드는 회사에서 전화 인터뷰를 하자고 하네요..
    어떤 예상질문이 나올지 준비를 할려고 하는데 막막하네요..
    원래는 Qualcomm칩에 들어있는 GPSONE만을 했는데..

    혹시 GPS HW나 SW관련해서 깊이있게 참고해볼수 있는 사이트나 자료를 볼수 있는 곳을 아시면 부탁드립니다.

    • gb 128.***.158.8

      I don’t know about the HW but there is a very nice textbook from Misra and Enge, second edition, 2006, titled “Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance”.
      This bood gives an overview of the transmitted/received signals and processing.

      If you want a set of legendary historic papers about the GPS, you may want to look at “Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications Volume 1” edited by Parkinson and Spilker Jr. This book covers fundamental design aspect of the GPS and many more.
      Volume 2 of this book describes various areas of applications with the GPS.

      All of these plus many more can be found at <a href=

      In my experiences, they have more books about the GPS and they are cheaper than

      hope this helps.

    • daniel 211.***.248.127

      정말로 감사합니다.많은 도움이 되었습니다.