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  • #1242082
    97.***.171.142 1570

    She is the target of a lawsuit from Sterling’s wife. Most of the information about the 31-year-old Stiviano derives from court papers related to a lawsuit filed by the 80-year-old Sterling’s estranged wife Rochelle. The lawsuit, filed in March, claims that Sterling met Stiviano at the Super Bowl in 2010, and that Stiviano “engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat and/or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men.” The suit charges that Rochelle Sterling believed the $1.8 million duplex in which Stiviano now resides was being purchased in the Sterlings’ names, and that Stiviano has received gifts including four cars (two Bentleys, one Ferrari, and one Range Rover) and about $240,000 in “living expenses.” The allegation, then, is that Donald Sterling gave Stiviano about $2 million in community property without Rochelle Sterling’s knowledge.–stiviano–and-what-s-her-connection-to-the-donald-sterling-story-191703972.html

    • ejddjfl 208.***.233.180

      Sterling의 wife 입장에서는 그녀는 남편과의 불륜의 당사자로써 자신의 결혼 생활이 지대한 파탄을 잃으킨 민사적인 책임을 물어서 손해배상을 하는것이고요. 한국처럼 간통죄처럼 형사소송이 아닙니다.
      위에서 설명한것처럼 소송을 해서 승소를 하게되면 이혼소송시 유리한 입장에서 위자료를 청구할수 있기 때문에 1석 2조가 되겠네요.