안녕하세요. Recruiting agency AppleOne Korea입니다. 아래 문의사항관련해 잘못된 정보 수정하여 다시 posting 합니다. (리플 감사드립니다.)
임직원수 14,000여명 총매출액 약 $3.6B의 국내 대기업에서 하기의 포지션에 경력이 있으신 지원자를 모집하고 있어 해당인력 확보를 위해 job posting을 올립니다. 지원자격에 해당이 되시며 지원을 희망하시는 분들은
로 CV를 보내주시면 확인 후 연락드리겠습니다. 문의사항 있으시면 언제든 이메일 혹은 81-2-2010-8966으로 문의부탁드립니다. 구체적인 Position Description은 아래와 같습니다.
Employer: 국내 대기업 (Korean conglomerate)
Work location: 서울, (project completion을 위해 중동 출장 가능)
Reporting Line: Candidate- Team Leader- Center Leader- CEO
-Project schedule planning and defining project member’s R&R
-Managing project progress and making decision
-Communicating with clients and reporting to Supervisors
-Defining work scope and controlling configuration
-Proposal teaming, proposal writing and sales supporting in sales stage
-Quality control for products and service to meet customer’s needs and authorized standards
Desired Skills & Experience
-Above Master’s Degree
-At least 13 years experiences in SI project
-At least 1 time experiences over a $ 20Million project as a PM
-Asia, Africa and overseas travel no disqualification
-Be required experience and technologies of building automation, Digital Signage,CCTV, Access Control, Public Address, IPTV, and SMATV systems and Car parking, Network System (CISCO,HP,Avaya) for implementation, test & commissioning with proper theory including experience more than 13 years at building construction site
-Certified PMP
-Fluency in English and be able to communicate in Korean
-Experiences in global leading IT company
-Excellen leadership, communication (written and oral) and interpersonal skill
-Experience systematically applied for Quality management in projects
-Having experience for HVAC control, Lighting control, electrical monitoring, BMS, Security, AV, Network and Home Automation to coordinate and coer all scope of works such as design, installation and test & commissioning accordingly.