작은트럭 유 홀을 홈디포에서 렌트해서
하루 사용할건데요
고속도로 를 지나는데요 ez pass 로 톨비를 자동으로
받는곳을 몇군데 지나고요지금가지고 있는 ez pass를 승용차에서
떼서 빌린 u-haul truck에 부착해도 될까요?톨에서 ez pass 박스만 읽는건지요?
차량번호판도 동시에 읽어 비교하나요??
만약 ez pass 박스만 읽는다면 이렇게 해도
Do not add rental car information to your E-ZPass account. However, you can use your E-ZPass Tag in any vehicle of the same class. Please ensure that your E-ZPass Tag is properly mounted as per installation instructions in all vehicles in which the Tag is used. A Tag that is not mounted properly may prevent the Tag from being read in the lane. If your Tag does not read, you will be subject to the terms of your car rental agreement that apply to E-ZPass usage, toll transactions and/or violation transactions.