Export Requirements for Japan

  • #100716
    고찰 71.***.199.200 2217

    Fresh/frozen beef and beef offal and veal and veal offal derived from animals 20 months of age or younger. Spinal cord and spinal column (excluding the transverse process of the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae, the wings of the sacrum, and the vertebrae of the tail) must be removed. Eligible beef and beef offal and veal and veal offal must be produced under an approved AMS Export Verification (EV) program for beef to Japan. Information about the EV program for Japan and a list of BEV approved establishments can be obtained from AMS’ Web site.


    • 철가방 221.***.192.208

      그래 무슨 말인지…언더스텡이다!

      된장! 그래서 재패니스들은 컨디션을 디테일하게 리콰이어하니까…cost가 업되잖아!

      ‘싼게 busy떡’이야~!!!