empty boat

  • #99370
    tracer 12.***.149.67 2553

    Empty Boat

    (Chuang-tzu )

    If a man is crossing a river

    And an empty boat collides with his own skiff,

    Even though he be a bad-tempered man

    He will not become very angry.

    But if he sees a man in the boat,

    He will shout at him to steer clear.

    If the shout is not heard, he will shout again,

    And yet again, and begin cursing.

    And all because there is somebody in the boat.

    Yet if the boat were empty,

    He would not be shouting, and not angry.

    If you can empty your own boat

    Crossing the river of the world,

    No one Will oppose you,

    No one will seek to harm you.

    • Euhm 69.***.156.205

      No make sense at all!!!!

    • 조빠오빠 71.***.8.16

      뱃사공이 뱃삵 달라고 악을썻나 ?ㅎthe world
      seek to
      because .i am me to me. i am who i am..
      존재가치에자유..캬..존시네..센스가 많아..

    • 123.***.173.110

      음. 좋은 얘기지만.

      저랑은 안맞네요. ㅎㅎㅎ 차라리 같은 배에 탔으니 배려해라라는
      말이었다면. 아니면 뭐 극단적으로, 물이 험할땐 배 띄우지마라,
      자꾸 소리지르고 옆에사람 신경쓰일꺼다…머 이런 내용 안될까요?

      음. 갑자기 팔빠지게 노저으며 카약 위에서 데이트하던 시절 생각이
      문득 나는군요…물 흐름도 셌건만 우린 둘이 비밀얘기 열심히 했는데;