DMV 에서 LETTER 가 아래와 같은 내용으로 왔는데 이해가 잘 가지 않아서 도움을 부탁드립니다.
RE: Invalid Social Security/Ein Number : A********
We are unable to process your refund payment using the above DMV issued customer number.
The customer number shown above was issued in lieu of using a Social Security/Employer Identification Number for your DMV transaction. This number is approved for your use for any DMV transactions except to receive payments from DMV.
Effective April 1,1991,any payments processed by a State Agency must include the payee’s Social Security Number or Employer Identification Number to comply with the comptroller’s debt setoff program under the authority of 2.1 726-735 of the code of Virginia.
Please enter your Social Security or Employer Identification Number that was issued by the Social Security Administration in the space below and fax to (804)367-6339 or return this letto to :
P O BOX 25700
RICHMOND, VA. 23260Your payment will be processed upon receipt of this information.
SSN/EIN MUMBER ______________
SIGNATURE____________________…이와같은 내용으로 Letter 가 왔습니다.
보내온 대로 작성해서 return 하면 되는 가요?