Home Forums Job & Work Life Data Scientist 의 업무 중에서 This topic has [7] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 10 months ago by ㅁ. Now Editing “Data Scientist 의 업무 중에서” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) JD 의 Duty 항목에 아래와 같이 쓰여져 있습니다. 자바/C# 으로 프런트엔드와 백엔드를 개발 경력만 있어서, 수학적, 통계적 이론, 분석 모델링, 해석 모델링이라는 말만 들어서는 정확하게 어떤 업무를 하게 되는지 잘 모르겠습니다. 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 예 하나를 들어서 설명해 주실 분 계실까 해서, 질문해 봅니다. Applies professional knowledge of computer science, <strong>mathematical, statistical theories</strong>, techniques, and methods to gather, analyze, design, and construct new processes for <strong>analytical modeling, interpreting models,</strong> and/or reporting quantitative information, trends, relationships, and correlations among or within data. Advises on the potential benefits/uses of automation to improve the efficiency of program operations. Analyzes a variety of data sources to provide data driven insights to the RAAS organization to streamline processes. I agree to the terms of service Update List