CR-V or Odyssey

  • #10650
    …. 70.***.204.120 4791

    ’07 CR-V(LX) and ’07 Odyssey(LX).
    around 35k miles on it.
    same price.

    Me, wife and 1 child(6 Yrs old).
    we do not have a plan to have more child
    (who knows… but, we don’t have a “plan”).
    we have small size sedan and mid-compact size SUV.
    this will replace a SUV.

    Any possible up/down side of each model?

    Thanks in advance.

    • CRV 66.***.29.2

      Both cars are nice and have great resale value. When it comes to some practical matters, Odyssey might be too big for 3 people and I think it consumes more gas. Check gas mileage on both cars. Check insurance premiume.

      Space in 3rd row might be redundant for your family, unless you have carry a lot of stuff in a car.

    • gb 128.***.160.13

      제 경우는 아이가 한명일때도 Odyssey 의 sliding door는 정말 편했습니다. 아이가 타고 내릴때 비교할수 없이 편합니다. Gas mileage 등 경제적인 문제는 본인에 맞게 고려해서 후회없는 선택 하시길바랍니다.