could you solve this “math” problem for me?

  • #101372
    NYC 68.***.47.160 2704

    Problem is
    “In the final four digits of a license plate, the sum of the first two equals the sum of the last two. Also, the sum of the first and last is twice the sum of the middle two, and the first two form a two digit number that is twice that formed by the last two. The number does not contain 0’s. What are the final four digits in order?”

    Thank you in advance!

    • mdp 96.***.179.88

      how about 5427

    • NYC 68.***.47.160

      You are amazing! Thank you for much.
      Are you willing to provide a formula?
      (I am a PhD and an MD asked this question for his son. Sorry for our ignorance.)

    • gb 128.***.160.13

      mhelp 님의 방법이 좀 더 일반적인 방법이지만 이 문제에서는 (2)번 식에 10을 곱해서 (3)번식으로 빼주면 x와 z를 동시에 없앨수 있습니다. 그러면 4w=7y 이 나오지요. integer 이어야 하니 w와 y를 쉽게 구할수 있고, z는 (1)에서 (2)를 뺀 공식에 대입하면 답이 나옵니다. 구해진 y, z, w 를 (1)에 대입하면 x를 구할수 있지요.

    • mdp 128.***.164.219

      gb님 already explained it already.

    • PhD 207.***.132.30

      “(I am a PhD and an MD asked this question for his son. Sorry for our ignorance.)”
      That explains why PhD is acronym of “Permanent Head Damage”. :)

      -from another damaged person