cisco on-site interview

  • #147916
    cisco 199.***.146.32 5068


    I have an on-site interview with cisco soon.

    Actually, I did not do well duing the phone interview, however, on the very next day, they scheduled the on-site interview in san jose.

    It is a senior software engineer position in cable networks. I’m worried that they will probably ack a lot of technical questions about embedded real-time programming stuff which I have a very shallow knowledge and experience.

    They said that interview will be 9:00 am – 2:30 pm.

    I’ll really appreciate that if anyone can shares exprience or any information.


    • 참고 222.***.33.238

      기본적으로 TCP/IP 를 알고 통신에 관한 채팅프로그램과 관련이 있을거 같네요
      H/W contorl 방법과 함수의 기능과 예제를 보세요 참고하세요