Home Forums US Life Bay Area Salary 분포 This topic has [2] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 5 days ago by Mnm. Now Editing “Bay Area Salary 분포” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) Salaries of $500,000 and up are 'a dime a dozen' in this California region, report says https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/realestate/salaries-of-500-000-and-up-are-a-dime-a-dozen-in-this-california-region-report-says/ar-AA1vYGvV?ocid=BingHp01&cvid=146a962463ad4c12945746ed3c86db5f&ei=91 One in 48 jobs in the Bay Area pays $500,000 or more, nearly double the share in Austin, Texas, which has the second highest concentration. In the Bay Area, more than 2% of employees earn at least half a million dollars, 0.54% earn at least $1 million and 0.15% earn at least $2 million. New York, Boston and Fort Meyers, Fla., are among the other highest ranked cities for employee wages, according to ADP. -- ADP왈, SF Bay Area에서 월급쟁이 48명중에 1명이 50만불 이상, 185명중에 1명이 1M이상. 알바생포함 모든 월급쟁이 통계니까, 많긴 많네.. 50만불이상 연봉자가 많은 도시 두번째는 오스틴. I agree to the terms of service Update List