Home Forums US Life America’s debt tops $34 trillion – 아무런 문제가 없는거죠? This topic has [7] replies, 0 voices, and was last updated 8 months ago by 심봐따. Now Editing “America’s debt tops $34 trillion – 아무런 문제가 없는거죠?” Name * Password * Email Topic Title (Maximum Length 80) “No one seems to care,” Manchin said. “It’s a shame, $34.6 trillion in debt. No one cares about it.” 잔치는 좋은 것인 데, 초대받는 자는 정해진 듯... "The most recent data measuring global economic inequality date to 2022. These show that the wealthiest 1% of Americans have nearly 35% of national wealth, and the top 10% enjoy 70%, leaving only 30% for the remaining 90% of American households." I agree to the terms of service Update List