7 Divorce Myths – Debunked

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    7 Divorce Myths – Debunked!

    By Woman s Day | Love + Sex – 13 hours ago

    split wedding cake toppersplit wedding cake topperBy Marlisse Cepeda 

    Nobody wants to get divorced, but those statistics that get passed around make it seem like it’s an almost inevitable consequence ofgetting married. Breathe easy, brides. Truth is less grim than fiction here. From that ominous 50% divorce rate to pre-wedding cohabitation’s effect on marriage, read on as experts clarify the seven most popular misconceptions about splitting up.

    Myth #1: One in two marriages ends in divorce.

    Whether you and your partner have been dating since childhood or had a whirlwind romance, chances are you’ve been (or will be) warned about the dreaded 50% statistic. So are your chances for a happily ever after really that mediocre? Not exactly. In fact, the divorce rate has been steadily decreasing since the 1980s, according to the National Marriage Project. A more accurate divorce rate for American marriages ranges from 40% to 50%. And keep in mind: This factors in people who marry over and over again which drives up the rate. Plus, your own guy isn’t likely to file for divorce. Mara Opperman, relationship etiquette expert and co-founder of I Do, Now I Don’t, reveals that women initiate about two-thirds of all divorces.

    Myth #2: Living together before marriage lowers the chance of divorce.

    This fable’s popularity may be connected to the fact that it makes sense. Doesn’t shacking up before “I do” better prepare you to live with someone after the wedding? Actually, the circumstances under which you decide to move in together make all the difference, says Tina B. Tessina, PhD, author of Money, Sex and Kids: Stop Fighting About the Three Things That Can Ruin Your Marriage. If cohabitation occurs out of necessity (say, your partner lost his job and can’t afford to live on his own), the experience doesn’t benefit the relationship. If you’re considering moving in with a boyfriend, “do it carefully,” suggests Dr. Tessina. “It can reduce the chance of divorce as long as it’s done thoughtfully.” 

    • 111 71.***.188.138

      Divorce is a big business in America to revive the economy, second to the oil business.

    • 7 166.***.191.31

    • Bruce Willigton 195.***.108.41

      Quite interesting topic. I think that you don’t have to be enemies. That’s a myth in a sense. Most people seem to think they have to hate their ex after a divorce. Some people do that in all relationships, married or not. It is a choice and a foolish one. Even if you are alone, don’t worry, just use some dating site like for example sofia date app and find new partner for you!