30넘은 여자만 조심할게 아니라…

  • #410412
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    지네들이 협박공갈하면서 
    오히려 자기들이 협박/어뷰스 당했다고 (경찰이나 변호사나 판사에게) 거짓말하는 
    잡년들한데 질렸다.  “여자”라는게 무슨 그런 협박이용해도 되는 특권층이야?

    • OWU
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      OWU  •  1 day 4 hours ago Report Abuse

      My ex-was constantly telling every one I was fooling around on her but all the while shed been havening sex with her high school seat heart through out our marriage. I ended up loosing friends and even kicked out of the church because I was living in sin. After she kicked me out and disgraced me she married her new lover the boy friend, and the church that kicked me out gave them a free wedding. I lost all my friends because she brainwashed them to believe I was living a double life. I have lived alone with a debt I cant pay off and she was clean of debt, should I go on? Most woman when they are caught turn around and claim abuse that get them all the attention. Ohh just so you know I never laid a hand on her but I have a nice scar in my crotch from her stabbing me with a knife, over an argument she had been fooling around on me.

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