Home Talk Free Talk 16강진츌보상금 fifa 에서 170억 축협이 받는다네요 EditDeleteReply 2022-12-0612:41:22 #3748736 ㅋㅋ 72.***.157.25 485 야 어마어마 하네요 Love1 Hate1 List Write EditDeleteReply 1 130.***.89.4 2022-12-0613:11:15 조별리그 탈락해도 128억 받습니다 EditDeleteReply 가다가 192.***.111.180 2022-12-0621:13:18 축산업협동조합인줄. EditDeleteReply 마그마 47.***.243.133 2022-12-0621:54:39 so did I. EditDeleteReply 스토 124.***.85.29 2022-12-0819:42:16 ㅋㅋ Name * Password * Email I agree to the terms of service Cancel Comment